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9 Reasons Why I Love my Husband

It’s our 9th wedding anniversary today, May 6, 2009. Looking back all I can say I am one fortunate woman to be loved by this awesome man named Samuel. We hit a few rocky spots early in our marriage but luckily we survived it. Today, all I can say is that we are more in-love each other and is more passionate with each other in and out of bed. Everyday I thank the Lord for giving me my husband to love and to cherish.

 I would like to share the 9 reasons why I love my husband

(In no particular order) 

  1. I can pursue any career I want and he gives his 100% support . When I graduated in my masters degree he thought I would go back to working in the office but I decided to enroll in a baking class instead and continue working as a teacher. He accepted that and continue to give me moral support to any career decision I take.
  2. He calmly accepts any hair color and hairstyle I decide to sport. I love coloring my hair and just loves getting curly hair. My hair color is ash brown now and the highlights I had last christmas is still there. I just love my hair. 
  3. I can shop whenever I want and wherever I want to. Shopping for me is like therapy and a ritual so when I freak out during Mega Sales he's just amused. I don't even have to hide from him if I go all out to Divisoria, which I do every three months. (Everything is included in the budget of course)
  4. I can go out with friends. I can bond with my set of friends and he can too, I believe its important to once in a while connect with friends for its good for the soul. I always encourage him to reach out to his friends as sort stress reliever. It's nice to once in a while know you are loved by other people other than your family.
  5. He doesn’t order me to lose weight or start dieting. I hear co-workers and friends at new year being told by their husbands to start dieting and lose weight. REALLY. The nerve, even telling her that she looks lovely when he married her years ago. I just get to grin for my husband is the one dieting LOL! But seriously, I want to stay healthy too, just on my own pace.
  6. I can wear and clothes I want. I know girlfriends having boyfriends and husbands approving and even buying the clothes they should wear, its creepy. I am not that adventurous in clothes thank GOD. I wear simple inexpensive and comfortable clothes. 
  7. He keeps me grounded, I am always dreaming and planning things and he is the practical one, shoots down my ideas or plan everytime I get carried away. We complement each other, He's a Virgo and I'm a Pisces. Enough said.
  8. I get all his earnings 100%, even the sidelines :-D. I really love that. Plus I get to keep all my salary to myself. He always joke that my passtime is counting money. Kidding aside. I am so lucky to have a husband who gives me everything! Budgetting is hard but I am also responsible in making sure our future is secured. 
  9. He makes me feel sexy and desirable 24/7. I am a very dirty sexy mommy!

Loving someone is a two-way street. He knows he is my one and only love and I will take good care of him and our family. I am a lover, friend, wife and partner all rolled into one.

Happy Anniversary SAM!  I Love You Forever! 
