It is so much easier to buy toys for babies, or even for toddlers. Any toy you give them is readily appreciated, but for children it’s a different matter all together. Children, I found out recently that they have certain preference and expectations when it comes to their toys. Lorenzo’s 6th Birthday is days away but my husband and I are still at a loss on what gift to give him. “Mommy I want a PSP for Christmas” My parents were puzzled on what a PSP is, a request Lorenzo made a month before Christmas. We were amazed on why would a 5-year old child demand a PSP, and what will he do with it. Investigating I found out that most of his friends, playmates and classmates have one and would often tease him when is would borrow theirs to ask his mother to buy one for him( whew! Talk about peer pressure). When I told my husband about it, he was already planning on giving our son an electronic gadget for Christmas. We decided not to give him the PSP for its not practical for a gadget that costs...
This blog is intended to celebrate the sweetness of life. All the sweet and yummy encounters we have as we go on our lives should be remembered and treasured.