Many say 2009 maybe a difficult year worldwide due to the world economic slowdown, I agree. But it does not mean we can’t make this year a success. We may encounter difficulties achieving what we planned for the year but it is still possible with hard work and great planning.
Many people create New Year’s resolutions during this time but I don’t. I make plans, Smart plans. A few years ago I discovered this strategy called the SMART goal “formula”. I can’t remember where I got it, maybe on OPRAH, a seminar or from one of my friends. I applied it a few years ago, at a time when I felt my life is just moving in circles, I was not going anywhere, I was unhappy with myself and my career. I started making plans, short and long term ones and used the SMART formula. In short I made plans that are SMART.
SMART Stands for
S – specific
M – measurable
A – achievable
R – realistic
T – time bound
So at every start of the year I review my SMART plans. I made plans for the current year, plans for the next 3 years and what would I want to have and do by the end of the 5th year.
It became my game plan on what I want to achieve, when I want to achieve it and what steps would take to make it a reality. It also kept me grounded and focused as opportunities opened up, disappointment came and I was pulled in different directions.
My status today?
70% of what I planned to have, I already achieved. Some plans were revised and others were just postponed or delayed. I regularly update/revise them as new opportunities come and others are lost.
My 2009 and beyond targets
- Car - my first car is already a delayed goal and I realized that how can I have a car if I don't now how to drive? So Driving lessons first!
- Travel - I planned to treat my mother to a Chinese New Year this year plus a visit to China but complications like her spine fracture side tracked us, maybe next year?
- Another Child - I promised myself to have another child on or before I turn 35, there is still time.
- Health and Fashion - I am beginning to understand my body now and will continue to strive to keep me and my family healthy. Studying about healthy dishes.
- Education and Foreign Trainings - Hoping and praying my son be accepted to UP Intergrated School this coming school year and finally help my husband enroll in his masters degree in UP Open University. Training opportunities came last year but I was not ready. This year I will make it happen.
- Career and Business Prestige - Regardless of how hard I have to work and how long will it take I will have my own store sooner or later or get that IT position I am aiming for whichever comes first. Or Just start the online baking lessons I am postponing for 2 years now.
- Dream House - We already have the lot, just bidding our time, looking for designs, Saving up for it.
- Big Savings - Always looking for ways to earn extra $$$ and saving them