Just got a letter from the credit card company today, it said “Being a valued credit card holder we have increased your total credit line by Php 50,000.00”. I said to myself “Wow! As if I’ll use my credit card to spend that big an amount. I’m not that suicidal” When my husband came home from work, I greeted him with “Love, we can readily buy a car now”. He asked “How’s that?” I replied with, “We can use our credit cards for all three on them now has 6-digits limits.” Hahaha. I told him that as a joke, for it amuses me how much these credit card companies tries to please you so you can spend more. Having credit cards today is common and at times necessary. I know many may say you can live without credit cards and your life is richer. I know that maybe I can have much more money saved if I don’t have them but as a consumer I availed them because of it gives me convenience and at times security. First of all my husband occasionally goes abroad and before we had credit cards it was hard fo...
This blog is intended to celebrate the sweetness of life. All the sweet and yummy encounters we have as we go on our lives should be remembered and treasured.